Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations
Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations
Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
GST No. 33AALFD8785E1Z5
08048971812 82% Response Rate
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Awards & Memberships

ISO Certification

ISO Certification
We, Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations, have undergone the procedures of ISO norms and finally got the ISO 9001 - 2008 Certificate and are adopting the procedure in all our transactions.


CNI is the 1st Network Form in the world exclusive for Construction Industry. Benchmark is the 40th chapter , In CNI - CEO of Chennai Benchmark ..


Rotary International is a global service organization that brings together business professionals and community leaders to provide humanitarian services, promote goodwill, and advance peace and understanding worldwide.
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Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates
Electronic Security Association of India (ESAI): ESAI is an association focused on the electronic security industry in India. It aims to promote awareness, professionalism, and the adoption of best practices in the field of electronic security

Our Certifications

Our Certifications
Rotary Means Business (RMB) is an initiative within Rotary International that promotes networking and business relationships among Rotarians and business professionals. RMB is not a separate membership category within Rotary International but rather a program that encourages Rotarians to connect and engage with fellow members who have a shared interest in business and professional networking.